The Residential Landlords Association (RLA) has warned that some landlords may be required to notify the National Measurement and Regulation Office (NMRO) regarding their property heating systems by 31st December 2015.
A typical situation that may trigger a need for landlords to provide details to the NMRO would be communal heating.
It was hoped these responsibilities would only impact institutional landlords, such as university halls and nursing homes. However, it appears they may affect HMO and bedsit property landlords who could be required to send notification of their ‘heating network’ to the NMRO.
A landlord must submit notification to the NMRO regarding details about the heating system of the property by 31 December 2015, and if required, install individual meters by 1 April 2016. There will be ongoing duties regarding maintenance and billing.
You may be affected by these regulations if ALL of the following apply:
- there is distribution of thermal energy in the form of steam, hot water, or chilled liquids from a central source in a building (e.g. a gas boiler)
- the thermal energy is used to provide heating, hot water or cooling
- the building is occupied by more than one final customer
- the landlord bills more than one occupier for the heat or hot water that that person has used (or a proportion of).
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